size | Purpose | |
(WORD) | grit x size | |
(WORD) | Grit Y size | |
(WORD) | Group number MAX value | |
(WORD) | Attribute number MAX value | |
(WORD) | Number of vertices n | |
Vertex 1 | (FLOAT) | Vertex coordinates |
(FLOAT) | Vertex coordinate Y | |
(FLOAT) | Vertex coordinate Z | |
Vertex 2 | (FLOAT) | Vertex coordinates |
(FLOAT) | Vertex coordinate Y | |
(FLOAT) | Vertex coordinate Z | |
: | : | : |
: | : | |
: | : | |
vertex n | (FLOAT) | Vertex coordinates |
(FLOAT) | Vertex coordinate Y | |
(FLOAT) | Vertex coordinate Z | |
(WORD) | Number of polygons m | |
Port Li Go hmm 1 | (WORD) | Reference number of polygon vertex 0 |
(WORD) | Reference number of polygon vertex 1 | |
(WORD) | Reference number of polygon vertex 2 | |
(WORD) | Reference number of polygon vertex 3 | |
(WORD) | group number | |
(WORD) | attribute number | |
(WORD) | Palette information | |
(WORD) | Texture information | |
(DWORD) | Attribute information* | |
: : : | : : : | : : : |
Port Li Go hmm m | (WORD) | Reference number of polygon vertex 0 |
(WORD) | Reference number of polygon vertex 1 | |
(WORD) | Reference number of polygon vertex 2 | |
(WORD) | Reference number of polygon vertex 3 | |
(WORD) | group number | |
(WORD) | attribute number | |
(WORD) | Palette information | |
(WORD) | Texture information | |
(DWORD) | Attribute information * |
MSB ■■■■ ■■■■ ..■■ ...■ ││││ ││││ ││ └──0:OFF 1:ON mesh ││││ ││││ ││ ││││ ││││ └┴───────sort 0:Setting prohibited ││││ ││││ 1:center ││││ ││││ 2:periapsis ││││ ││││ 3:far point ││││ ││││ ││││ └┴┴┴────────────mode 0:polygon (palette) ││││ 1:Polygon (RGB) ││││ 2:Polyline (palette) ││││ 3:Polyline (RGB) ││││ 4:texture ││││ └┴┴┴─────────────────color mode 0: 16 colors 1: 16 colors (lookup) 2: 64 colors 3:128 colors 4:256 colors 5:32K colors (RGB) LSB ■■■■ ■■■■ ■■■■ .... ││││ ││││ │││└───────0:OFF 1:ON light processing ││││ ││││ ││└────────0:OFF 1:ON real time gouro ││││ ││││ │└─────────0:OFF 1:ON depth cue ││││ ││││ └──────────0:OFF 1:ON near clip ││││ ││││ ││││ │││└────────────0:OFF 1:ON Window (IN/OUT) ││││ ││└─────────────0:OFF 1:ON window mode ││││ │└──────────────0:OFF 1:ON end code ││││ └───────────────0:OFF 1:ON high speed shrink ││││ │││└─────────────────0:OFF 1:ON transparent ││└──────────────────0:OFF 1:ON Translucent │└───────────────────0:OFF 1:ON half brightness └────────────────────0:OFF 1:ON shadow