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Regulations regarding the “usage amount” of save data

 issue number:
 date of issue:
●Common ○CD-ROM ○Cartridge ○Others
○Program ○Hard ○Manual ○Tools ●Game ○ Bug ○Others
 Information distinction:
●New ○Change ○Addition
●Strict observance ○Recommended ○Reference ○Others
 attached file:
●No ○ Yes
 Subject supplement:


When managing saved data in multiplayer, the "usage amount" of saved data is calculated and used. This "usage amount" is stipulated as follows.

■Calculation formula for “usage amount”

Round up ([Number of bytes used] + 32 / 64) to the nearest whole number.
Or, with the same meaning,
([Number of bytes used] + 95 / 64), rounded down to the nearest decimal point.

■Unit of “Usage”

On the saved data management screen, the unit is not shown for "Used amount", but when expressing the unit in each application, be sure to use " block ".

■Other precautions

The size of the occupied area per file within the media differs between "main unit RAM", "cartridge RAM", and "extended memory (floppy disk, etc.)". Therefore, when copying records, the increased "usage" and the consumed "free space" do not match, and the sum of "usage" and "free space" does not match the "total capacity". There may be cases.

that's all
INDEX ▲ | STN-4 | STN-5 | STN-6 | STN-9 | STN-18 | STN-19 | STN-21
Copyright SEGA ENTERPRISES, LTD., 1997