4.6 Function details
Title function specification | Data Initialization | Data Name CPK_Init | No 1.1 |
Format Bool CPK_Init(void)
Input None
Output None
Function value TRUE if initialized successfully
FALSE if unable to initialize successfully
Function Immediately after starting the program, initialization is performed to use this library.
Remarks When using this library, be sure to call this function at the beginning of the program.
Title function specification | Data End processing | Data Name CPK_Finish | No 1.2 |
Format void CPK_Finish(void)
Input None
Output None
Function value None
Function Call this function if you do not want to play the movie again.
Title function specification | Data Creating a handle (memory) | Data Name CPK_CreateMemMovie | No 2.1 |
Format CpkHn CPK_CreateMemMovie(CpkCreatePara *para)
Input para: Creation parameter
output None
function value Movie handle (NULL if creation is not possible)
Function Creates a movie handle to play a movie file in memory.
- Up to 32 movies can be created at the same time.
- Load the movie file into memory using an application program.
- For the movie handle generated with CPK_CreateMemMovie, be sure to notify the size of the movie file with CPK_NotifyWriteSize.
Title function specification | Data Erasing handles (memory) | Data Name CPK_DestroyMemMovi | No 2.2 |
Format void CPK_DestroyMemMovie(CpkHn cpk)
Input cpk: Movie handle
output None
Function value None
Function Clears the movie handle.
Once you clear a handle, you can no longer use the movie handle.
Title function specification | Data Creating a handle (file system) | Data Name CPK_CreateGfsMovie | No 2.3 |
Format CpkHn CPK_CreateGfsMovie(CpkCreatePara *para, GfsHn gfs)
Input para: creation parameter
gfs: File handle
output None
function value Movie handle (NULL if it cannot be created)
Function Creates a movie handle to play a movie file on the file system.
- Up to 32 movies can be created at the same time.
- Obtain the file handle in advance using the application program.
Title function specification | Data Clearing a handle (file system) | Data Name CPK_DestroyGfsMovi | No 2.4 |
Format void CPK_DestroyGfsMovie(CpkHn cpk)
Input cpk: Movie handle
output None function
value None
- Erase the movie handle.
- Once you clear a handle, you can no longer use the movie handle.
- Clear the movie handle before closing the file handle.
Title function specification | Data Creating a handle (stream system) | Data Name CPK_CreateStmMovie | No 2.5 |
Format CpkHn CPK_CreateStmMovie(CpkCreatePara *para, StmHn stm)
Input para: creation parameter
stm: File handle
output None
function value Movie handle (NULL if it cannot be created)
Function Creates a movie handle to play a movie file on a stream system.
- Up to 32 movies can be created at the same time.
- Obtain the stream handle in advance using the application program.
Title function specification | Data Clearing handles (stream system) | Data Name CPK_DestroyStmMovi | No 2.6 |
Format void CPK_DestroyStmMovie(CpkHn cpk)
Input cpk: Movie handle
output None function
value None
- Erase the movie handle.
- Once you clear a handle, you can no longer use the movie handle.
- Clear the movie handle before closing the stream handle.
Title function specification | Data replay task | Data Name CPK_Task | No 2.7 |
Format void CPK_Task(CpkHn cpk)
Input cpk: Movie
handle output None
Function value None
Function Reads files from CD and expands images.
Remarks : Please call this function periodically while the movie is playing. Please set the calling interval
to be greater than the number of playback frames. If the number of frames is less than that, smooth
playback will not be possible. After reading this function, be sure to check whether the display
timing is set using CPK_IsDispTime. If CPK_IsDispTime returns TRUE, it is time to display the image,
so if it has been expanded to sprite VRAM, change the frame. If it was expanded to memory, please
transfer it to VRAM. Be sure to call CPK_CompleteDisp afterwards. Please note that if you specify
the expansion destination address in VRAM, it will be expanded before the display timing.
Title function specification | Data Determining display timing | Data Name CPK_IsDispTime | No 2.8 |
Format Bool CPK_IsDispTime(CpkHn cpk)
Input cpk: Movie handle
output None
Function value TRUE when the movie frame image has been expanded and it is time to display it.
FALSE if it is not yet time to display
Function If this function returns TRUE, it is time to display one frame of image, so if it was expanded to
sprite VRAM, change the frame. If it was expanded to memory, transfer the expanded contents to VRAM. Be
sure to call CPK_CompleteDisp afterward.
Title function specification | Data Display completion notification | Data Name CPK_CompleteDisp | No 2.9 |
Format void CPK_CompleteDisp(CpkHn cpk)
Input cpk: Movie handle
output None
Function value None
Function Notifies the library that image display has finished.
Remarks Please call this function when CPK_IsDispFrame becomes TRUE.
If you don't call it, the movie won't play.
Title function specification | Data V blank IN processing function | Data Name CPK_VblIn | No 2.10 |
Format void CPK_VblIn(void)
Input None
Output None
Function value None
Function Manages the movie playback time.
Remarks When using this library, be sure to call this function with a V blank IN interrupt.
Title function specification | Data Start playing | Data Name CPK_Start | No 3.1 |
Format void CPK_Start(CpkHn cpk)
Input cpk: Movie handle
output None
Function value None
Function Starts playing the movie.
- A movie can only be played once for a generated movie handle.
If you want to play the same movie over and over again, generate a movie handle each time.
Title function specification | Data Stop playing | Data Name CPK_Stop | No 3.2 |
Format void CPK_Stop(CpkHn cpk)
Input cpk: Movie handle
output None
Function value None
Function Stops playing the movie.
Title function specification | Data Pause | Data Name CPK_Pause | No 3.3 |
Format void CPK_Pause(CpkHn cpk, CpkPauseCmd cmd)
Input cpk: movie handle
cmd: Pause control command
output None
Function value None
Function Pauses or cancels movie playback.
Title function specification | Data Registering the next movie to play | Data Name CPK_EntryNext | No 3.4 |
Format void CPK_EntryNext(CpkHn cpk)
Input cpk: Movie handle
output None
Function value None
Function Next, register the movie handle to be played. If you register a movie with this function,
it will automatically switch to the next movie when the currently playing movie ends. Specifying
NULL will cancel the registration. Even when forced switching is performed using CPK_Change,
the movie registered using this function will be played next.
Title function specification | Data Forced movie switching | Data Name CPK_Change | No 3.5 |
Format void CPK_Change(void)
Input None
Output None
Function value None
Function Interrupts the currently playing movie and starts playing the movie registered in CPK_EntryNext.
Title function specification | Data Obtaining movie switching status | Data Name CPK_CheckChange | No 3.6 |
Format CpkChangeStatus CPK_CheckChange(void)
Input None
Output None
Function value Forced switching possibility check value
function Returns the switching possibility when forced switching is performed with CPK_Change.
Title function specification | Data Expand specified frame | Data Name CPK_DecodeFrame | No 3.7 |
Format void CPK_DecodeFrame(CpkHn cpk, Sint32 frame_no)
Input cpk: movie handle
frame_no: Number
output of the frame to be expanded None
Function value None
Function Expands the image of the specified frame.
Remarks This function can only be used for movies loaded into memory. In the application program,
read the movie file, create a movie handle with CPK_CreateMemMovie, and then call this function.
This function cannot be used with movie handles created with CPK_CreateGfsMovie and
CPK_CreateStmMovie. Please use a movie file with only keyframes and no sound.
Title function specification | Data Setting the destination address | Data Name CPK_SetDecodeAddr | No 4.1 |
Format void CPK_SetDecodeAddr(CpkHn cpk, void *dec_addr, Sint32 dec_line_size)
Input cpk: movie handle
dec_addr: Address of image expansion destination
dec_line_size: The number of bytes in one line of the image expansion destination buffer
Outputs None
Function value None
Function Specify the address to which the expanded image will be transferred. If the image expansion
destination address is NULL, image expansion will not be performed. Default is NULL. Please call
this function before playing the movie.
Title function specification | Data Setting the number of display colors | Data Name CPK_SetColor | No 4.2 |
Format void CPK_SetColor(CpkHn cpk, CpkColorType color)
Input cpk: movie handle
color: Number of display colors
output None
Function value None
Function Specify the number of colors displayed in the image. Default is 16 million colors. Please
call this function before playing the movie.
Title function specification | Data Setting the maximum number of transferred sectors | Data Name CPK_SetLoadNum | No 4.3 |
Format void CPK_SetLoadNum(CpkHn cpk, Sint32 load_sct)
Input cpk: movie handle
load_sct: Maximum number of transferred sectors
output None
Function value None
Function Set the maximum number of transfer sectors when transferring from the CD buffer to the
library's internal buffer. Default is 20 sectors. Please call this function before playing
the movie.
Title function specification | Data Playback PAN settings | Data Name CPK_SetPan | No 4.4 |
Format void CPK_SetPan(CpkHn cpk, Sint32 pan)
Input cpk: movie handle
pan: PAN value (0 to 31)
Output None
Function Value None
Function Specifies the PAN of the sound.
Default is 0.
| 0 | 1 | 2 | → | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | → | 31 | Left Right | Max Max | >> Max | >> Max | >> Max | Off Max | Max Max | Max >> | Max >> | Max >> | Max Off |
Title function specification | Data Setting playback volume | Data Name CPK_SetVolume | No 4.5 |
Format void CPK_SetVolume(CpkHn cpk, Sint32 volume)
Input cpk: movie handle
volume: Volume (0 to 7)
Output None
Function Value None
Function Specify the volume. (0 means no output, 7 means maximum volume) Default is 7.
Title function specification | Data Setting PCM command block number | Data Name CPK_SetPcmCmdBlock | No 4.6 |
Format voidC PK_SetPcmCmdBlockNo(CpkHn cpk, Sint32 blk_no)
Input cpk: movie handle
blk_no: PCM command block number (0 to 7)
Output None
Function Value None
Function Set the PCM command block number to be set in the sound driver. Default is 0. For more
information on PCM command block numbers, see SEGASATURN Sound Driver System Interface.
Please call this function before playing the movie.
Title function specification | Data Setting the PCM stream playback number | Data Name CPK_SetPcmStreamNo | No 4.7 |
Format void CPK_SetPcmStreamNo(CpkHn cpk, Sint32 stream_no)
Input cpk: movie handle
stream_no: PCM stream playback number (0 to 7)
Output None
Function Value None
Function Set the PCM stream playback number to be set in the sound driver. Default is 0. For more
information on PCM stream playback numbers, see SEGASATURN Sound Driver System Interface.
Note: When playing multi-movies, use different stream playback numbers for each movie. Please call
this function before playing the movie.
Title function specification | Data Setting the key out range | Data Name CPK_SetKeyOutRange | No 4.8 |
Format void CPK_SetKeyOutRange(CpkHn cpk, Sint32 range)
Input cpk: movie handle
range: Key out (transparent color) range
output None
Function value None
Function Sets the range of transparent colors in chromakey processing.
- In chroma key processing, the RGB value of the expanded point and the
RGB value specified by the chroma key are compared using the following formula, and if the value is smaller
than the key out range, it becomes transparent.
ABS(ckey.b - decode.b) + ABS(ckey.g - decode.g) + ABS(ckey.r - decode.r)
ckey is the RGB value specified by the chroma key
decode is the RGB value of the expanded point
- For 32000 colors, you can specify a range from 0 to 96.
- For 16 million colors, you can specify a range from 0 to 768.
- Default is 21.
Title function specification | Data Get timescale | Data Name CPK_GetTimeScale | No 5.1 |
Format Sint32 CPK_GetTimeScale(CpkHn cpk)
Input cpk: Movie handle
output None
Function value Time scale
function Get the timescale value. The time scale value is invalid until the film header data
has been supplied to the ring buffer.
Title function specification | Data Get playback time | Data Name CPK_GetTime | No 5.2 |
Format Sint32 CPK_GetTime(CpkHn cpk)
Input cpk: Movie handle
output None
function value Current time
function Get the current time of the movie. The current time is a count value in timescale units.
Title function specification | Data Get playback status | Data Name CPK_GetPlayStatus | No 5.3 |
Format CpkPlayStatus CPK_GetPlayStatus(CpkHn cpk)
Input cpk: Movie handle
Output None
Function value Playback status
function Returns the current playback status of the movie.
Title function specification | Data Get film header | Data Name CPK_GetHeader | No 5.4 |
Format CpkHeader *CPK_GetHeader(CpkHn cpk)
Input cpk: Movie handle
output None
Function value Film header
function Returns the address of the film header part of the movie file. The contents of the
structure are invalid until the film header data has been supplied to the buffer.
Title function specification | Data Get write buffer | Data Name CPK_GetWriteBuf | No 6.1 |
Format Uint32 *CPK_GetWriteBuf(CpkHn cpk, Sint32 *free_size, Sint32 *free_total)
Input cpk: Movie handle
output free_size: Number of bytes of continuous writable area
Function value of the total number of bytes in the writable area including discontinuous areas Start address of the continuous writable area (NULL if writable is not possible)
Function Gets the write destination buffer address and the number of writable bytes.
Remarks Use this when you want to independently supply data to the ring buffer.
Title function specification | Data Write size notification | Data Name CPK_NotifyWriteBuf | No 6.2 |
Format void CPK_NotifyWriteSize(CpkHn cpk, Sint32 write_size)
Input cpk: movie handle
write_size: Number of bytes written
Output None
Function value None
Function Notifies the library of the number of bytes actually written to the buffer.
Remarks Use this when you want to independently supply data to the ring buffer.
Used when playing movie files in memory.
Title function specification | Data Load movie into buffer | Data Name CPK_PreloadMovie | No 7.1 |
Format void CPK_PreloadMovie(CpkHn cpk, Uint32 size)
Input cpk: movie handle
size: Number of bytes to read
Output None
Function value None
Function Reads the movie file into memory.
Remarks If the number of read bytes is smaller than the buffer managed by the library, read up to the buffer size.
Title function specification | Data Load film header into buffer | Data Name CPK_PreloadHeader | No 7.2 |
Format void CPK_PreloadHeader(CpkHn cpk)
Input cpk: Movie handle
output None
Function value None
Function Reads the film header part of the movie file into memory.
Remarks Before calling this function, move the pickup position to the beginning of the movie file.
Title function specification | Data Get error information | Data Name CPK_GetErr | No 8.1 |
Format CpkErrCode CPK_GetErr(void)
Input None
Output None
Function value Error code
function Returns the most recent error code.
Title function specification | Data Registering an error function | Data Name CPK_SetErrFunc | No 8.2 |
Format void CPK_SetErrFunc(CpkErrFunc func, void *obj)
Input func: Function to call when an error occurs
obj: Registered object
output None
Function value None
Function Set the function to be called when an error occurs. The registration object is passed as the
first argument of the registration function.