one | Title | Function | Function name | No |
func | :Error function (STM_ERR_NULLFUNC if canceling) |
obj | :Registered object |
The registration function has the following format:
void (*StmErrFunc)(void *obj, Sint32 ec)
The registration object is passed to the first argument of the registration function, and the error code is passed to the second argument.
Please also register the error function in the file system.
one | Title | Function | Function name | No |
one | Title | Function | Function name | No |
STM_ERR_OK | :Recovery successful |
STM_ERR_CDRD | : Recovery failed |
void errfunc(void *obj, Sint32 ec) { if (ec == STM_ERR_CDRD) { STM_Recover(); } else { ・ ・ ・ } }