SOUND ManualSCSP/DSP Linker User's Manual
SCSP/DSP Linker User's Manual

4. Algorithm edit

Create link information by specifying modules to be linked and module connections in the algorithm edit window.

■Module placement

Arrange the modules as follows:

  1. To place input/output modules, select “I/OModules” from the Window menu.
    To place effect modules, select “EffectModules” from the Window menu.
    A module selection window will open.

  2. Click the module you want to place from the module selection window and click the “Select” button, or double-click the module.
    The module will be placed at the last clicked position in the algorithm edit window. If you have never clicked it in the Algorithm Edit window, it will be placed in the upper right corner.

  3. Drag the placed module to the appropriate position.

■Wire connection

By clicking the input and output ports of the two modules to be connected in order, the modules are connected.

  1. Click on the port of the first module.
    The port and the connections connected to it will be selected.

    To delete a connection, press the delete key or select “Clear” from the Edit menu.

  2. Click on the second module's port.
    The first port and second port are wired.

    When you click the second port, a check will be made to see if it can be connected. If connection is not possible, the first port will be deselected and the second port will be selected (assumed to be the first port).

    For example, you can wire it like this:

Please note the following when making connections.

■Module and wiring selection

To cut or copy modules and connections, you must select the modules and connections in advance.

Here's what the module looks like:

To select a module, click either the module selection field, ID display field, or name field. When selected, the module selection field will be black and the outer frame will be highlighted.
To select multiple modules, use shift key + click.

■Module ID assignment

After wiring, a module ID is automatically assigned to each module. As a general rule, the module IDs connected by wiring must increase from the input side to the output side.
Module IDs are assigned in the order of wiring. Please note the following:

Example of correct module ID

Example of incorrect module ID

■Reassigning module ID

Linking is done in order of module ID. However, since the module IDs are assigned in the order of the connections, they may not be in the desired order. In this case, you will need to reassign the module ID.

  1. Double-click the ID of the module you want to reassign.
    The “Renumber” dialog is displayed.

  2. Enter the values you want to change and click “OK”.
    The module ID will be changed.
    If the changes result in duplicate or discontinuous IDs, the IDs of other modules will be automatically adjusted to make them continuous.

■Parameter edit

  1. Double-click the module selection field.
    The parameter edit window will be displayed.

  2. Change the value by moving the scroll bar with the mouse or by clicking within the value display frame and entering the value directly.

■Define/use/cancel global coefficients

Global coefficients are coefficient data (data stored in coefficient RAM inside the DSP) that can be shared among multiple Effect modules. Globalizing parameters provides the following benefits:

The parameters that can be globalized are limited to those displayed in "%" units on the parameter editor screen of each module. Also, one user-defined global information exists for each algorithm.
Globalized parameters can be edited in the DefineGlobal window. Also, parameters globalized using the same global coefficient will change in conjunction with each other by editing them in the DefineGlobal window.

DefineGlobal window

AlterToGlobal window

●How to define

  1. Select “DefineGlobal” from the GlobalCoef menu.
    The DefineGlobal window will open.

  2. Click “Add” to add the selected item, and click “Del” to delete the selected item.
    To change the value, enter it from the keyboard or use the scroll bar.

●How to use

  1. On the parameter editor screen, select the parameter you want to make global.

  2. Select “AlterToGlobal” from the GlobalCoef menu.
    The AlterToGlobal window will open.

  3. Select the global you want to use and click “Alter”.
    The global setting is confirmed and you return to the parameter edit window.
    In the parameter edit window, the selected global is displayed in the value display field.

●How to cancel

  1. Open the parameter edit window.

  2. From the coefficients specified as global, select the one to cancel global.

  3. Select “RevertToLocal” from the GlobalCoef menu.
    Global will be canceled. The value specified globally is displayed in the coefficient value display field of the canceled coefficient.

■Specification of input buffer for modulator

Some module symbols have an “M” button. For such modules, linking cannot be executed unless the modulator input buffer number (DSP input buffer number) is set. The numbers that can be specified are:

  1. Click “M” for the module.
    The modulator input buffer setting dialog will be displayed.

  2. Specify the buffer number and click “OK”.
    The buffer number is set.

●About input buffer for modulator

The modulator input buffer is a buffer for importing the waveform created by the SCSP sound source section (SoundSlotEG/LFO) or sound CPU (SoftwareEG/LFO) into the DSP section as an LFO or EG. In hardware, a portion of the DSP input buffer for musical sounds (for SoundSlotEG/LFO) or a portion of the DSP DRAM area (for SoftwareEG/LFO) is reserved and used for this purpose. Please see the diagram below for details.

■SizeToFit function

The module display on the algorithm edit screen may not fit within the frame and you may not be able to see everything at once.
In this case, select “SizeToFit” from the Window menu to display the algorithm in a reduced size on the algorithm edit screen, allowing you to see the entire algorithm at once.
A check will be displayed to the left of the menu item while it is displayed in SizeToFit. During this time, you cannot edit the algorithm. Please note that this feature consumes a large amount of memory on your personal computer.

SOUND ManualSCSP/DSP Linker User's Manual
Copyright SEGA ENTERPRISES, LTD., 1997