VDP2 manual 12.1 Color calculation Data corresponding to the color calculation control register is set.
If this function is not called, color calculations are not performed. This is the same as the initial state of the hardware.
You can think of the slLookAt function as performing operations such as slTranslate and slRot* once on the current matrix for the camera coordinates.
If local coordinate data for the current matrix is given as an argument, the value converted to the 2D coordinate system will be returned.
This converter supports all DGT2 modes, so it can also convert PP formats.
This tool is located in SATURN\SGL\TOOL.
I think another method would be to prepare only the different data parts for each stage in separate sections.
is to execute.
The shadow model then becomes a shadow parallel to the y-axis plane. If the ground is not parallel to the y-axis, changing the component given to slScale (specifically, it is related to the normal vector) will produce a shadow that looks like that.
There is also a way to manipulate the matrix directly.
In this case, you can also expect the effect of extending shadows as the sun sets.
1 0 0 slMulFX( slSin( ang ), long ) 0 slMulFX( slCos( ang ), long ) 0 0 1
Direction of shadow by changing ang
You can adjust the length of the shadow by changing long.
In SGL, the screen position is managed using the system variables MsScreenDist and SlScreenDist. Therefore, by using the near clipping position together with the system variable "MsZdpsfcnt", you can find out which coordinates will be the boundary value.