★ Graphic Tools Guide ★ 3DME User's Manual
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General-purpose 3D modeling tool user's manual/3.Sample creation
■Save model data
- 1) Save pof file
- Select "Window" → "Save" to save the pof format file.
At this time, if you have pasted textures, please check whether the texture list window is open. If you save model data without a texture list window, the relationship with textures will not work properly. - 2) Save MDL file
- Select "Window" → "Save As" and save the MDL format file.
Immediately before saving, please select "Edit" → "Automatic group division". By doing this, 3dme.EXE knows which model is in which block. This is also required when saving MBL files. - 3) Save ATA file
- Select "Window" → "Save As" and save the ATA format file.
ATA format files are required when collecting terrain collision data.
For example, select the conical part of the sample model and open the "Group Attribute Window" by selecting "Window" → "Group Edit". Set the attribute of the selected polygon to "2" and save it to an ATA file.
On the other hand, the program searches the attribute data of each model, and if it is "2", it is designed to have collision. Now you can set obstacles etc. - 4) Save MDB file
- Think of it as a binary version of MDL data. While an MDL file must be compiled into an object file, an MDB file can be called directly from within a program, saving you the trouble of compiling it and allowing you to program in a way that is more similar to the actual device. When saving, it is necessary to set in advance which address to forward to.
Please refer to the sample program for information on how to utilize these files.
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★ Graphic Tools Guide ★ 3DME User's Manual