HARDWARE ManualSCSP User's Manual
SCSP User's Manual/4.2 Sound source register

■Timer register

SCSP has a total of three 8-bit up-count timers with a prescaler, timers A, B, and C. The prescaler execution time can be set for each timer using "TACTL", "TBCTL", and "TCCTL".

TACTL[2:0](W) ; Timer-A ConTroL
Specify the increment period of timer A.

Table 4.26 Increment period of timer A
TACTL Increment period
0 Once per sample
1 Once every 2 samples
2 Once every 4 samples
3 Once every 8 samples
4 Once every 16 samples
5 Once every 32 samples
6 Once every 64 samples
7 Once every 128 samples

TBCTL[2:0](W) ; Timer-B ConTroL
Specify the increment period of timer B.

Table 4.27 Increment period of timer B
TBCTL Increment period
0 Once per sample
1 Once every 2 samples
2 Once every 4 samples
3 Once every 8 samples
4 Once every 16 samples
5 Once every 32 samples
6 Once every 64 samples
7 Once every 128 samples

TCCTL[2:0](W) ; Timer-C ConTroL
Specify the increment period of timer C.

Table 4.28 Increment period of timer C
TCCTL Increment period
0 Once per sample
1 Once every 2 samples
2 Once every 4 samples
3 Once every 8 samples
4 Once every 16 samples
5 Once every 32 samples
6 Once every 64 samples
7 Once every 128 samples

Table 4.29 shows the count period for the setting values of "TACTL", "TBCTL", and "TCCTL", and Table 4.30 shows the shortest interrupt time ("TIMA"="TIMB"="TIMC"="FEH") and the longest interrupt time ( "TIMA"="TIMB"="TIMC"="00H").

Table 4.29 Count period for TACTL, TBCTL, TCCTL setting values
TACTL,TBCTL,TCCTL setting value Count period (compared to 1Fs=1/44.1K) Actual count cycle time [μsec]
0H Fs 22.6757
1H Fs/2 45.3515
2H Fs/4 90.7029
3H Fs/8 181.4059
4H Fs/16 362.8118
5H Fs/32 725.6236
6H Fs/64 1451.2472
7H Fs/128 2902.4943

Table 4.30 Shortest interrupt time and longest interrupt time
TACTL,TBCTL,TCCTL setting value Shortest interrupt time [μsec] Maximum interrupt time [msec]
0H 22.6757 5.8050
1H 45.3515 11.6100
2H 90.7029 23.2200
3H 181.4059 46.4399
4H 362.8118 92.8798
5H 725.6236 185.7596
6H 1451.2472 371.5193
7H 2902.4943 743.0385

Also, based on Tables 4.29 and 4.30, the interrupt time can be calculated using the following formula.

Interrupt time = {225 (FFH) - TIMA (B, C) setting value} x count cycle time

The timer starts counting immediately after transferring the setting value to "TIMA", "TIMB", and "TIMC". When this count value reaches FFH, an interrupt will be generated by a timer that is enabled for interrupts (when not using the timer, disable interrupts).

TIMA[7:0](W) ; TIMer-A count data
This is timer A. This timer is an UP counter and generates an interrupt request when all bits become "1B".

TIMB[7:0](W) ; TIMer-B count data
This is timer B. This timer is an UP counter and generates an interrupt request when all bits become "1B".

TIMC[7:0](W) ; TIMer-C count data
This is timer C. This timer is an UP counter and generates an interrupt request when all bits become "1B".

HARDWARE ManualSCSP User's Manual
Copyright SEGA ENTERPRISES, LTD., 1997