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VDP1 library
5.3 Function specifications
one View table | Title
function specification | Function
VDP1 extended processing work area definition macro | Function name
SPR_2DefineWork | No
1 |
- Format
- input
WORK2D: Work area name COMMAND_MAX: Maximum number of commands
GOUR_TBL_MAX: Maximum number of Gouraud tables
LOOKUP_TBL_MAX: Maximum number of lookup tables
CHAR_MAX: Maximum number of characters (> 0)
DRAW_PRTY_MAX: Maximum number of drawing priority blocks (> 0)
- output
- none
- function value
- none
- function
- Define the work area used for VDP1 expansion processing in the data area within the AP. If DRAW_PRTY_MAX=1, command drawing is not prioritized.
one View table | Title
function specification
| Function
VDP1 extended processing library Initialization process | Function name
SPR_2Initial | No
2 |
- Format
- void SPR_2Initial(Spr2WorkArea *workArea)
- input
- workArea: Work area definition table
- output
- none
- function value
- none
- function
- After calling the initialization routine of the VDP1 basic processing library and initializing the display environment, initialize the work area of this library.
one View table | Title
function specification | Function
TV mode set | Function name
SPR_2SetTvMode | No
3 |
- Format
- void Spr_2SetTvMode(Uint16 mode, Uint16 screenSize,Unit16 doubleInterlace)
- input
mode: Set the TV mode definition value.
screenSize: Set the definition value of the screen resolution corresponding to TV mode.
doubleInterlace: Sets double-dense interlace usage mode.
- output
- none
- function value
- none
- function
- It is the same as the TV mode set routine in the VDP1 basic processing library.
one View table | Title
function specification
| Function
Frame change V blank set of interval numbers | Function name
SPR_2FrameChgIntr | No
4 |
- Format
- void SPR_2FrameChgIntr(Uint16 interval)
- input
- interval: V blank interval number
- output
- none
- function value
- none
- function
- Frame change V blank interval number set. The value of the interval number has the following meanings.
number of intervals | meaning |
0 | Set the frame switching to auto change mode and set the interval number to 1. Synchronization using SCL_DisplayFrame() is not possible. |
1 | Set the frame switching to auto change mode and set the interval number to 1. You can synchronize using SCL_DisplayFrame(). |
0xffff | Erase and write the drawing frame using polygons in indefinite interval manual change mode. Confirm that VDP1 has finished drawing and change the frame. |
0xfffe | Indeterminate interval manual change mode with V blank erase. For areas that are not erased, the user should erase and write the drawing frame using polygons. Performs a frame change without checking that VDP1 has finished drawing. |
others | This is a constant interval manual change mode based on the specified number of intervals. |
| b14 | 0: Perform erase write. |
| 1: Erase write is not performed. |
Calling the SCL_SetFrameInterval() routine.
one View table | Title
function specification | Function
Set frame buffer erase data | Function name
SPR_2FrameEraseData | No
5 |
- Format
- void SPR_2FrameEraseData(Uint16 rgbColor)
- input
- rgbColor: Erase data (RGB color)
- output
- none
- function value
- none
- function
- Specify what color to fill when the erase process is executed.
one View table | Title
function specification | Functio
gouraud shading table set | Function name
SPR_2SetGourTbl | No
6 |
- Format
- void SPR_2SetGourTbl(Uint16 gourTblNo, SprGourTbl *gourTbl);
- input
gourTblNo: Gouraud shading table number
gourTbl: Gouraud shading table
- output
- none
- function value
- none
- function
- Copies the contents of the specified Gouraud shading table to the Gouraud shading table area in VRAM.
one View table | Title
function specification | Function
set of lookup tables | Function name
SPR_2SetLookupTbl | No
7 |
- Format
- void SPR_2SetLookupTbl(Uint16 lookupTblNo, SprLookupTbl *lookupTbl)
- input
lookupTblNo: Lookup table number
lookupTbl: Lookup table
- output
- none
- function value
- none
- function
- Copies the contents of the specified lookup table to the lookup table area in VRAM.
one View table | Title
function specification | Function
set of characters | Function name
SPR_2SetChar | No
8 |
- Format
- void SPR_2SetChar(Uint16 charNo, Uint16 colorMode,Uint16 color, Uint16 width, Uint16 height, Uint8 *charImage)
- input
charNo: Character number
colorMode: Color mode (b5 to b3: same as drawing mode word)
color: Color data
Lookup table number when color mode = 1
Color bank code when color mode = 0, 2, 3, 4
Ignored when color mode = 5
width: X size
height: Y size
charImage: Character data pointer
If =0, only the character area is acquired.
- output
- none
- function value
- none
- function
- If the specified charNo character has not been allocated or has already been allocated but the size of the acquired area is smaller than the character size to be set, calculate the character storage size and acquire the necessary block from the block pool. to copy the character data. If overwriting is possible, copy the character data to the same area.
one View table | Title
function specification | Function
Character area release | Function name
SPR_2ClrChar | No
9 |
- Format
- void SPR_2ClrChar(Uint16 charNo)
- input
- charNo: Character number
- output
- none
- function value
- none
- function
- Releases the VRAM block used by the character with the specified character number.
one View table | Title
function specification | Function
Unlocking all character areas | Function name
SPR_2ClrAllChar | No
10 |
- Format
- void SPR_2ClrAllChar(void)
- input
- none
- output
- none
- function value
- none
- function
- Frees all character areas.
one View table | Title
function specification
| Functio
gouraud shading table number Convert to VRAM address | Function name
SPR_2GourTblNoToVram | No
11 |
- Format
- SprVaddr addr = SPR_2GourTblNoToVram(Uint16 gourTblNo)
- input
- gourTblNo: Gouraud shading table number
- output
- none
- function value
- addr: Relative address in VRAM/8
- function
- Convert Gouraud shading table number to VRAM address.
one View table | Title
function specification
| Function
VRAM lookup table number convert to address | Function name
SPR_2LookupTblNoToVram | No
12 |
- Format
- SprVaddr addr = SPR_2LookupTblNoToVram(Uint16 lookupTblNo)
- input
- lookupTblNo: Lookup table number
- output
- none
- function value
- ddr: Relative address in VRAM/8
- function
- Convert lookup table number to VRAM address.
one View table | Title
function specification | Function
Convert character number to VRAM address | Function name
SPR_2CharNoToVram | No
13 |
- Format
- SprVaddr addr = SPR_2CharNoToVram(Uint16 charNo)
- input
- charNo: Character number
- output
- none
- function value
- addr: Relative address in VRAM/8
- function
- Converts a character number to a VRAM address.
one View table | Title
function specification | Function
Command write open processing | Function name
SPR_2OpenCommand | No
14 |
- Format
- void SPR_2OpenCommand(Uint16 drawPrtyFlag)
- input
drawPrtyFlag: Command drawing priority enable/disable flag
SPR_2DRAW_PRTY_ON = Command drawing priority enabled
SPR_2DRAW_PRTY_OFF = Command drawing priority disabled
- output
- none
- function value
- none
- function
- Set the writing start position of the sprite command to the beginning of the VRAM command area. Therefore, this routine must be called before calling the following series of sprite command setting routines.
SPR_2LocalCoord() SPR_2SysClip() SPR_2UserClip() SPR_2line() SPR_2polyLine() SPR_2Polygon() SPR_2NormSpr() SPR_2ScaleSpr() SPR_2DistSpr() SPR_2Cmd()
one View table | Title
function specification | Function
Command write close processing | Function name
SPR_2CloseCommand | No
15 |
- Format
- void SPR_2CloseCommand(void)
- input
- none
- output
- none
- function value
- none
- function
- If command drawing priority is enabled, commands in VRAM are chained according to the priority number. Write an end sprite command and toggle the VRAM area reference switch command.
one View table | Title
function specification | Function
set of local coordinates | Function name
SPR_2LocalCoord | No
16 |
- Format
- void SPR_2LocalCoord(Sint32 drawPrty, XyInt *xy)
- input
drawPrty: Command drawing priority number
xy: Relative coordinates of local coordinates - output
- none
- function value
- None A
- function
- Set local coordinates.
one View table | Title
function specification | Function
Set system clipping area | Function name
SPR_2SysClip | No
17 |
- Format
- void SPR_2SysClip(Sint32 drawPrty, XyInt *xy)
- input
drawPrty: Command drawing priority number
xy: Bottom right coordinate - output
- none
- function value
- none
- function
- Set the system clipping area.
one View table | Title
function specification | Function
Set user clipping area | Function name
SPR_2UserClip | No
18 |
- Format
- void SPR_2UserClip(Sint32 drawPrty, XyInt xy[2])
- input
drawPrty: Command drawing priority number
xy[0]: Upper left coordinate
xy[1]: Lower right coordinate - output
- none
- function value
- none
- function
- Set the user clipping area.
one View table | Title
function specification | Function
line drawing | Function name
SPR_2Line | No
19 |
- Format
- void SPR_2Line(Sint32 drawPrty, Uint16 drowMode, Uint16 color, XyInt xy[2], Uint16 gourTblNo)
- input
drawPrty: Command drawing priority number
drowMode: Drawing mode (same as drawing mode word)
color: Color mode or lookup table number
xy[2]: Line 2 points
gourTblNo: Glow shading table number
NO_GOUR(=0xffff)=No glow shading table specified
- output
- none
- function value
- none
- function
- Draw a line.
one View table | Title
function specification | Function
polyline drawing | Function name
SPR_2PolyLine | No
20 |
- Format
- void SPR_2PolyLine(Sint32 drawPrty, Uint16 drowMode, Uint16 color, XyInt xy[4], Uint16 gourTblNo)
- input
drawPrty: Command drawing priority number
drowMode: Drawing mode (same as drawing mode word)
color: Color mode or lookup table number
xy[4]: 4-point polyline
gourTblNo: Glow shading table number
NO_GOUR(=0xffff) = No glow shading table specified
- output
- none
- function value
- none
- function
- Draw a polyline.
one View table | Title
function specification | Function
drawing polygons | Function name
SPR_2Polygon | No
21 |
- Format
- void SPR_2Polygon(Sint32 drawPrty, Uint16 drowMode, Uint16 color, XyInt xy[4], Uint16 gourTblNo)
- input
drawPrty: Command drawing priority number
drowMode: Drawing mode (same as drawing mode word)
color: Color mode or lookup table number
xy[4]: 4-point polygon
gourTblNo: Glow shading table number
NO_GOUR(=0xffff) = No glow shading table specified
- output
- none
- function value
- none
- function
- Draw a polygon.
one View table | Title
function specification | Function
Drawing normal sprites | Function name
SPR_2NormSpr | No
22 |
- Format
- void SPR_2NormSpr(Sint32 drawPrty, Uint16 dir, Uint16 drowMode, Uint16 color, Unit16 charNo, XyInt *xy, Uint16 gourTblNo)
- input
drawPrty: Command drawing priority number
dir: Character inversion instruction (b5 to b4: same as control word)
drowMode: drawing mode (same as drawing mode word)
color: Color code or lookup table number
If 0xffff, the color data specified with SPR_2SetChar() will be set.
charNo: Character number xy: Upper left coordinate
gourTblNo: Gouraud shading table number
NO_GOUR(=0xffff) = Gouraud shading table not specified
- output
- none
- function value
- none
- function
- Draw a normal sprite.
one View table | Title
function specification | Function
Drawing scale sprites | Function name
SPR_2ScaleSpr | No
23 |
- Format
- void SPR_2ScalSpr(Sint32 drawPrty, Uint16 zoomDir, Uint16 drowMode, Uint16 color, Uint16 charNo, XyInt xy[2], Uint16 gourTblNo)
- input
drawPrty: Command drawing priority number zoomDir: Zoom & character inversion instruction (b11 to b8, b5, b4: same as control word)
drowMode: drawing mode (same as drawing mode word)
color: Color code or lookup table number
If 0xffff, the color data specified with SPR_2SetChar() will be set.
charNo: Character number
xy[2]: 2 vertex coordinates or fixed point coordinates/display width
gourTblNo: Gouraud shading table number
NO_GOUR(=0xffff) = Gouraud shading table not specified
- output
- none
- function value
- none
- function
- Draw a scale sprite.
one View table | Title
function specification | Function
Drawing deformed sprites | Function name
SPR_2DisSpr | No
24 |
- Format
- void SPR_2DistSpr(Sint32 drawPrty, Uint16 dir, Uint16 drowMode, Uint16 color, Uint16 charNo, XyInt xy[4], Uint16 gourTblNo)
- input
drawPrty: Command drawing priority number dir: Character inversion instruction (b5 to b4: same as control word)
drowMode: drawing mode (same as drawing mode word)
color: Color code or lookup table number
If 0xffff, the color data specified with SPR_2SetChar() will be set.
charNo: Character number
xy[4]: 4 vertex coordinates
gourTblNo: Gouraud shading table number
NO_GOUR(=0xffff) = No Gouraud shading table specified
- output
- none
- function value
- none
- function
- Draws a deformed sprite.
one View table | Title
function specification | Function
command set | Function name
SPR_2Cmd | No
25 |
- Format
- void SPR_2Cmd(Sint32 drawPrty, SprSpCmd *spCmd);
- input
drawPrty: Command drawing priority number
spCmd: 32-byte sprite command - output
- none
- function value
- none
- function
- Sets the specified sprite command as is in the user command area.
one View table | Title
function specification
| Function
Command drawing priority chain flash | Function name
SPR_2FlushDrawPrty | No
26 |
- Format
- void SPR_2FlashDrawPrty(void)
- input
- none
- output
- none
- function value
- none
- function
- If command drawing priority is enabled, commands in VRAM are chained according to the priority value and the drawing priority management area is cleared.
one View table | Title
function specification | Function
Acquisition of VRAM block area (static) | Function name
SPR_2AllocBlock | No
27 |
- Format
- SprVaddraddr =SPR_2AllocBlock(Uint16 size)
- input
- size: Block size (32 bytes as a unit)
- output
- none
- function value
- addr: Returns the acquired block area position as relative address in VRAM/8.
- function
- Acquires a block of the specified size from the block pool area in VRAM. Although this routine is not released externally, we have included the specifications for reference when adding functionality to this library.
one View table | Title
function specification | Function
Freeing VRAM block area (static) | Function name
SPR_2FreeBlock | No
28 |
- Format
- void SPR_2FreeBlock(SprVaddr addr, Uint16 size)
- input
addr: Returns the free block area position as a relative address in VRAM/8.
size: Block size (1 unit is 32 bytes) - output
- none
- function value
- none
- function
- Although this routine that releases the specified block area in the VRAM block pool is not released externally, we have included the specifications for reference when adding functionality to this library.
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★ PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE ★ VDP1 library Copyright SEGA ENTERPRISES, LTD., 1997 |