PROGRAMMER'S GUIDEDISC format standard specifications
DISC format standard specifications

Appendix A・Various sample list-2

;  sample0.scr -- CD-ROM                (Ver.1994-11-11)
;Note: This is a sample script for CD-ROM (MODE1 + CD-DA) disk.
;      Please use VCDPRE, VCDBUILD version 3.10 or later.
;  R: Required
;  S: Can be selected, optional
;  N: Parameters cannot be changed (Please use as is without changing.)
;  P: Parameters can be changed
;  -: No parameters
;  The first word of each line is the command name. Please use this as is.
Define        dirsmpdisc .\sample\                             ;  S  P
Disc          sample0.DSK                                      ;R    P
Session       CDROM                                            ;R  N
LeadIn        MODE1                                            ;R  N
EndLeadIn                                                      ;R  −
SystemArea    [dirsmpdisc]sys_ip.bin                           ;R    P
Track          MODE1                                           ;R  N
    Volume                    ISO9660 sample0.PVD              ;R    P
    PrimaryVolume              00:02:16                        ;R  N
    SystemIdentifier             "SEGA SEGASATURN"             ;R  N
    VolumeIdentifier             "SAMPLE_GAME_TITLE"           ;R    P
    VolumeSetIdentifier          "SAMPLE_GAME_TITLE"           ;R    P
    PublisherIdentifier          "SEGA ENTERPRISES,LTD."       ;R    P
    DataPreparerIdentifier       "SEGA ENTERPRISES,LTD."       ;R    P
    CopyrightFileIdentifier      "SMP_CPY.TXT"                 ;R    P
    AbstractFileIdentifier       "SMP_ABS.TXT"                 ;R    P
    BibliographicFileIdentifier  "SMP_BIB.TXT"                 ;R    P
    VolumeCreationDate        22/11/1994 00:01:02:00:36        ;  S  P
    VolumeModificationDate    22/11/1994 00:01:02:00:36        ;  S  P
    EndPrimaryVolume                                           ;R  −
    EndVolume                                                  ;R  −
    File            SMP_CPY.TXT                                ;R    P
    FileSource        [dirsmpdisc]smp_cpy.txt                  ;R    P
    EndFileSource                                              ;R  −
    EndFile                                                    ;R  −
    File            SMP_ABS.TXT                                ;R    P
    FileSource        [dirsmpdisc]smp_abs.txt                  ;R    P
    EndFileSource                                              ;R  −
    EndFile                                                    ;R  −
    File            SMP_BIB.TXT                                ;R    P
    FileSource        [dirsmpdisc]smp_bib.txt                  ;R    P
    EndFileSource                                              ;R  −
    EndFile                                                    ;R  −
;  !!!supplement!!!
;  1stREAD FILE definition: File names are in ascending order in ASCII code
        File            0MAIN.BIN                              ;  S  P
            FileSource        [dirsmpdisc]file0.bin            ;  S  P
            EndFileSource                                      ;  S  −
        EndFile                                                ;  S  −
        ;    File 〜  EndFile                                  ;  S  P
        PostGap        150                                     ;R  N
EndTrack                                                       ;R  −
Track            CDDA                                          ;R  N
        Pause            150                                   ;R  N
        FileSource        [dirsmpdisc]sound0.da                ;R    P
        EndFileSource                                          ;R  −
EndTrack                                                       ;R  −
;   !!!important!!!
;   Track 〜  EndTrack                                         ;  S  P
;      When using multiple CDDA tracks, "Pause 150" must
;      be placed at the beginning of all CDDA tracks.
;        Track 〜  EndTrack                                    ;  S  P
LeadOut          CDDA                                          ;R  N
Empty            500                                           ;R  N
EndLeadOut                                                     ;R  −
EndSession                                                     ;R  −
EndDisc                                                        ;R  −
;====== End of file ====================================================

PROGRAMMER'S GUIDEDISC format standard specifications
Copyright SEGA ENTERPRISES, LTD., 1997