SOUND ManualSound Driver Programmer's Guide
Sound Driver Programmer's Guide

5. error status bitmap

( sound address = 416H / SH address = 25a00416H )
bit position error contents
bit15 always 0
bit14-11 reserved
bit10 There are no slots to key off.
bit9 MIDI channel 0x10~0x1F was input.
bit8 I used MONO mode.
bit7 Always 0.
bit6 The number of simultaneous pronunciations exceeded 32.
bit5 The number of layers in the tone BANK is incorrect.
bit4 MIDI messages F0H to FFH (not supported) were used.
bit3 Channel pressure (not supported) was used.
bit2 Polyphonic Key pressure (not supported) was used.
bit1 Undefined Level#6 occurs (MIDI-2 error when using MODEL-M)
bit0 Undefined Level#5 occurs (MIDI-1 error when using MODEL-M)

68000 error status bitmap details
( sound address = 420H / SH address = 25a00420H )
bit position error contents
bit31 Always 0.
bit30 68K CPU bass error
bit29 68K CPU exception handling
bit28 68K CPU address error
bit27 MIDI buffer overflow
bit26 Illegal MIDI exclusive message
bit25,24 reserved
bit23 Always 0.
bit22 Effect change number is invalid.
bit21 reserved
bit20 The sound driver file is corrupted. For example, if the data was corrected when copied to UNIX.
bit19 When changing Effect, the specified DSP RAM area is invalid.
bit18 When issuing the Sequence Start command, there is no data to play.
bit17 Note on was executed even though Bank Change has never been performed (not set).
bit16 There is no layer that should be sounded by Key Sprit when executing Note-on.
bit15 Always 0.
bit14 Undefined MIDI Control change Number input
bit13 When effect changes, the RAM area for the corresponding DSP is insufficient.
bit12 When changing the effect, the setting value of the RAM for the corresponding DSP is invalid.
bit11 When effect changes, the corresponding DSP RAM does not exist in the map.
bit10 When changing the effect, the corresponding DSP Program has not been downloaded.
bit9 When effect changes, the corresponding DSP Program does not exist in the Map.
bit8 The corresponding sequence bank has not been downloaded when the sequence starts.
bit7 Always 0.
bit6 When starting a sequence, the corresponding sequence bank does not exist in the Map.
bit5 When changing MIDI Prg, the corresponding program number does not exist in the tone bank.
bit4 When changing MIDI Prg, the corresponding management number & MIDI channel tone bank is not set.
bit3 When performing MIDI Control change (mixer change), the corresponding management number & MIDI channel tone bank is not set.
bit2 When changing the mixer or changing the tone bank, the corresponding tone bank does not exist in the map. Or the tone bank has not been downloaded.
bit1 When changing the map, the corresponding map does not exist at (A000h~).
bit0 When changing Mixer, the corresponding Mixer does not exist in the tone bank. Or the tone bank is not set.
Note: Bits 24-31 are not cleared automatically, so please clear them on the host side if necessary. Bits0-23 are automatically cleared at the next normal operation.

SOUND ManualSound Driver Programmer's Guide
Copyright SEGA ENTERPRISES, LTD., 1997