bit position | error contents |
bit15 | always 0 |
bit14-11 | reserved |
bit10 | There are no slots to key off. |
bit9 | MIDI channel 0x10~0x1F was input. |
bit8 | I used MONO mode. |
bit7 | Always 0. |
bit6 | The number of simultaneous pronunciations exceeded 32. |
bit5 | The number of layers in the tone BANK is incorrect. |
bit4 | MIDI messages F0H to FFH (not supported) were used. |
bit3 | Channel pressure (not supported) was used. |
bit2 | Polyphonic Key pressure (not supported) was used. |
bit1 | Undefined Level#6 occurs (MIDI-2 error when using MODEL-M) |
bit0 | Undefined Level#5 occurs (MIDI-1 error when using MODEL-M) |
bit position | error contents |
bit31 | Always 0. |
bit30 | 68K CPU bass error |
bit29 | 68K CPU exception handling |
bit28 | 68K CPU address error |
bit27 | MIDI buffer overflow |
bit26 | Illegal MIDI exclusive message |
bit25,24 | reserved |
bit23 | Always 0. |
bit22 | Effect change number is invalid. |
bit21 | reserved |
bit20 | The sound driver file is corrupted. For example, if the data was corrected when copied to UNIX. |
bit19 | When changing Effect, the specified DSP RAM area is invalid. |
bit18 | When issuing the Sequence Start command, there is no data to play. |
bit17 | Note on was executed even though Bank Change has never been performed (not set). |
bit16 | There is no layer that should be sounded by Key Sprit when executing Note-on. |
bit15 | Always 0. |
bit14 | Undefined MIDI Control change Number input |
bit13 | When effect changes, the RAM area for the corresponding DSP is insufficient. |
bit12 | When changing the effect, the setting value of the RAM for the corresponding DSP is invalid. |
bit11 | When effect changes, the corresponding DSP RAM does not exist in the map. |
bit10 | When changing the effect, the corresponding DSP Program has not been downloaded. |
bit9 | When effect changes, the corresponding DSP Program does not exist in the Map. |
bit8 | The corresponding sequence bank has not been downloaded when the sequence starts. |
bit7 | Always 0. |
bit6 | When starting a sequence, the corresponding sequence bank does not exist in the Map. |
bit5 | When changing MIDI Prg, the corresponding program number does not exist in the tone bank. |
bit4 | When changing MIDI Prg, the corresponding management number & MIDI channel tone bank is not set. |
bit3 | When performing MIDI Control change (mixer change), the corresponding management number & MIDI channel tone bank is not set. |
bit2 | When changing the mixer or changing the tone bank, the corresponding tone bank does not exist in the map. Or the tone bank has not been downloaded. |
bit1 | When changing the map, the corresponding map does not exist at (A000h~). |
bit0 | When changing Mixer, the corresponding Mixer does not exist in the tone bank. Or the tone bank is not set. |
Note: Bits 24-31 are not cleared automatically, so please clear them on the host side if necessary. Bits0-23 are automatically cleared at the next normal operation.