MIDI message correspondence table
STATUS BYTE | Compatibility | |
NOTE OFF | 0x8n + MIDI Channel | ○ |
NOTE ON | 8x9n + MIDI Channel | ○ |
POLIPHONIC KEY PRESSURE | 0xAn + MIDI Channel | ---- |
CONTROL CHANGE | 0xBn + MIDI Channel | ○ |
PROGRAM PRESSURE | 0xCn + MIDI Channel | ○ |
CHANNEL PRESSURE | 0xDn + MIDI Channel | ---- |
PITCH WHEEL CHANGE | 0xEn + MIDI Channel | ○ |
EXCLUSIVE CHANGE | 0xF0 | ---- |
SONG SELECT | 0xF3 | ---- |
TUNE REQUEST | 0xF6 | ---- |
END OF EXCLUSIVE | 0xF7 | ---- |
TIMING CLOCK | 0xF8 | ---- |
START | 0xFA | ---- |
CONTINUE | 0xFB | ---- |
STOP | 0xFC | ---- |
ACTIVE SENCING | 0xFE | ---- |
SYSTEM RESET | 0xFF | ---- |
Control change correspondence table
Dec | Hex | FUNCTION | ○: Compatible, △: Special processing, ----: Not compatible. |
1 | 01 | Modulation Depth | ○ |
2 | 02 | Bleath Control | ○ However, it works in the same way as Expression. |
4 | 04 | Foot Control | ---- |
5 | 05 | Portament Time | ---- |
6 | 06 | Data Entry | ---- |
7 | 07 | Main volume | ○ |
8 | 08 | Balance Control | ---- |
10 | 0A | Panpot | ○ |
11 | 0B | Expression | ○ |
12 | 0C | △ Racing game controls 1. | |
13 | 0D | △ Racing game controls 2. | |
31 | 1F | △ Special processing for sequence data (*Note). | |
32 | 20 | △ Bank change. | |
64 | 40 | Hold 1 (Damper) | ○ |
65 | 41 | Portament | ---- |
66 | 42 | Sostenute | ---- |
67 | 43 | Soft Pedal | ---- |
68 | 44 | Hold 2 (Freeze) | ---- |
80 | 50 | △ Specify Qsound position (MIDI channel is 1-4 for 4ch, 1-8 for 8ch). | |
81 | 51 | △ YAMAHA 3D Control Direction specification. | |
82 | 52 | △ YAMAHA 3D Control distance specification. | |
83 | 53 | △ YAMAHA 3D Control height specification. | |
91 | 5B | Effect Depth | △ Used as an effect change. |
92 | 5C | Tremolo Depth | ---- |
93 | 5D | Chorus Depth | ---- |
94 | 5E | Celeste Depth | ---- |
95 | 5F | Phaser Depth | ---- |
96 | 60 | Data Increment | ---- |
97 | 61 | Data Decrement | ---- |
98 | 62 | LSB of NRPN | ---- |
99 | 63 | MSB of NRPN | ---- |
100 | 64 | LSB of RPN | ---- |
101 | 65 | MSB of RPN | ---- |
120 | 78 | △ Stop all sequences (not supported after 1.33). | |
122 | 7A | Local Control | ---- |
one two three | 7B | All Note Off | ○ Can be used during development, but must not be incorporated into the game. |
124 | 7C | OMNI off | ---- |
125 | 7D | OMNI on | ---- |
126 | 7E | Mono mode on | ---- |
127 | 7F | Poly mode on | ---- |
*Note: When decompressing data compressed by the converter, it is processed as a loop point for sequence data. Therefore, if you send this command directly, it will not be executed.