When LED1 is blinking (CPU is operating normally), the meanings of other LEDs blinking are as follows.
Also, when LED1 is off, other LEDs blinking means the following error (if it remains lit, SCSI communication is in progress or the driver is HALT).
LED number 12345678 | meaning |
YM3802(MIDI-1) IRQ vector error | |
// (MIDI-2) // | |
MIDI data error | |
YM3802(MIDI-1) MIDI out error | |
// (MIDI-2) // | |
MIDI Control change $60~$7F input | |
HOST I/F Command execute error | |
........... | |
........... | |
Map change error | |
BANK change error | |
MIXER change error | |
EFFECT change error | |
68k un-definition vector event | |
........... | |
68k buss error | |
68k address error | |
........... | |
68k level-3 event | |
68k level-4 event | |
68k level-7 event |