★ Graphic Tools Guide ★ SEGA Painter User's Manual/
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Sega Painter User's Manual/2. Menu
File | Edit | Image | Options | Special | Window
■Special menu
- ●Character sort
- Merges image data in units of the same character (images within a certain area) and calculates the number of characters.
- Unit size: Specify the character size that is the unit of sorting.
- Check condition: Specify when checking inversion as a sort condition.
- A new document window will be automatically created for the sort results and will be displayed as shown below.
- The number of characters remaining as a result of sorting is displayed in the window title bar.
In addition, the image data will be displayed with the character to be merged filled in with the background color.
- ●Palette check
- Checks whether the color palette within the character is within the specified color range.
- Unit size: Specify the character size for the check unit.
- Check condition: Specify the pallet unit to be checked.
- A new document window will be automatically created for the check results and will be displayed as shown below.
- The number of characters that are outside the check specifications is displayed in the window title bar.
In addition, the image data will be displayed with the characters within the check regulations filled in with the background color.
- ●Object selection
- Selects the object with the specified number.
- ●Object number setting
- Changes the currently selected object to the specified number.
- ●Animation registration
- Create an animation data table.
For details, please refer to the document " 5. Animation ".
- ●Target SW
- Use this to temporarily disconnect or reconnect communication with an already connected target box.
- ●Tone animation
- Performs a color change animation.
For details, please refer to the document " SegaPainter Animation Edition ".
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★ Graphic Tools Guide ★ SEGA Painter User's Manual/
Copyright SEGA ENTERPRISES, LTD., 1997