SGL User's ManualDevelopment environment
Development environment

4.Required environment for sound designers

Regarding software, we will list representative product names of the minimum necessary tools. Also, since there are many types of hardware, please refer only to the categories and functions you need.

Table 4-1 List of hardware for sound designers

Macintosh Power Mac, RAM 16BM or more, HDD 500MB or more recommended.
MIDI for Macintosh
STUDIO3, MIDI translator etc.
MIDI sound sources such as SC-55 and SC-88 also have MIDI interface functions.
MIDI keyboard Since it will be used for data input etc., we recommend one with rich MIDI functions.
sampling source CD players, MD, DAT, etc.
When using an AudioMediaII board, we recommend one with a coaxial digital out.
sampling board
hard disk recording system
AudioMediaII is recommended.
Samplers that can be connected to Macintosh via SCSI are also available.
development target CartDev+DevSaturn
others It is convenient to have a GM-compatible MIDI sound source for composing and checking.
Also, to monitor multiple sound sources, you will also need a MIXER, amplifier, speakers, etc.


  1. Saturn game sound production requires a high proportion of PCM sampling work, so we recommend the AudioMediaII board to improve development efficiency.

The figure below shows the hardware environment recommended by SEGA for sound designers.

Figure 4-1 Sega's recommended hardware environment for sound designers

Table 4-2 List of software for sound designers

tool product name remarks
waveform editor SOUND DESIGNER2 It is bundled as standard with the AudioMediaII board.
WAVE editor commercially available tools
tone editor TONE editor Sega provided tools
sequencer VISION Studio VISION is also available.
CUBASE Can also be used with CUBASE AUDIO
DSP effect
edit tools
DSP LINKER Sega provided tools
others Sound Simulator Sega provided tools

SGL User's ManualDevelopment environment
Copyright SEGA ENTERPRISES, LTD., 1997